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The Petersburg Post

Are green beans high risk? What to know about Consumer Reports' pesticide in produce study
- Folks shouldn't skip fruits and vegetables altogether, but Consumer Reports does recommend folks eat high-risk produce in moderation. Consumer Reports released a new study on pesticides that found certain produce contains an "unhealthy" dose of the insecticides and that green beans contained residue of pesticides that have been banned for over a decade. The study found that some fruits and vegetables pose a higher ...

Eating within limited hours can lead to weight loss — but maybe just because it cuts calories
- A number of studies have suggested that eating only during a limited window of time can help some people lose weight. But it's unclear why: Does the strategy just help people eat less, or is there something beneficial about keeping meals within a shorter time frame? New research falls in the former camp, suggesting that the amount of calories people consume matters more than the timing.  A small, randomized ...
