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The Petersburg Post

Slowly And Steadily, The Federal Reserve Is Making Progress on Inflation
- The Federal Reserve's favorite measure of inflation cooled slightly in June, paving the way for the central bank to rate cuts, likely in September.  The Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) index rose 2.5% from the year before, down from 2.6% in May, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Friday's PCE measure of inflation in June  mirrors the trend shown by the Consumer Price Index  earlier ...

In more than 200 U.S. cities, $1 million only gets you a starter home
- A typical entry-level home in the U.S. costs roughly $200,000. But in a growing number of cities, that would only cover the down payment. With housing in short supply around the country and the stiffest mortgage rates in years, you need at least $1 million to buy a starter home in 237 cities, according to a  Zillow  analysis. That's a hefty sum for a place to live that's defined in the report as being in ...
